"Unlock Your Potential: Overcome Past Wounds, Banish Self-Doubt, Ignite Your Motivation & Live A More Fulfilling Life Today!"

Awakening 2.0 will immediately FREE YOU from anxiety, bad habits, past trauma, chronic pain, PTSD, and needless emotional suffering while helping you attain the happiness, success, and peace of mind you desire & deserve!

"Unlock Your Potential: Overcome Past Wounds, Banish Self-Doubt, Ignite Your Motivation & Live A More Fulfilling Life Today!"

Full Course With Bonuses

Today Only $497
(Or 5 Payments of $99)

"Are Past Traumas or Future Worries Draining Your Focus, Motivation, and Self-Confidence?"

For many of us, life isn’t going exactly the way we thought it would. 

While we watch our peers around us achieving untold wealth, success, happiness and fulfillment, many of us are stuck in patterns of impulsive behavior, stagnation, and trapped in a constant fog of negative thinking and self-sabotage

It might seem like every time you try to choose a new way to move forward, you inevitably end up where you started, sometimes worse off than you started. 

What you might not realize is that your mental and physical health, your relationships, and even your personal growth and fulfillment have been stunted by one or a series of traumatic events that are often buried deep in your past and lodged even deeper in your subconscious mind. 

And unfortunately, that trauma is still calling the shots. 

The resulting negative behavioral circles keep you acting out the same unhappy and unhealthy habits and dramas over and over again. 

Thankfully, there is a solution that makes it possible for you to overcome wounds of the past for good and use them to make you happier and more motivated than ever - even if there are new obstacles to navigate.

Heal Your Past - Transform Your Future!

When a situation seems stacked against a person, how they approach the challenge is everything.

Give Back Control

Doesn’t rely on endless talk therapy or prescriptions to work

Inspire Calm

Stops racing thoughts and “what if” rabbit holes

Heal Old Wounds

Unlocks the prison of your past and awakens you to new and brighter possibilities

Create Momentum

Finally achieve the momentum you’ve been missing

After researching human behavior for 36 years and facilitating over 16,000 individual Hypnotherapy sessions, I’ve discovered the exact formula to achieve incredible personal and professional success for myself and my students.

Through these incredible OBA Hypnosis experiences, you will... 

  • Free yourself from anxiety, self-doubt & past trauma
  • ​Take control over your thoughts, feelings, and actions
  • ​Retrain your mind to feel secure, confident, and happier each day
  • ​Gain fast, long-lasting results upgrading your foundational beliefs
  • ​Experience true self-love, worthiness, confidence and inner peace, and become stronger than ever

Hi, I'm Tim Shurr, MA.

Hi, I'm Tim Shurr, MA.

If you’re a high achiever, business professional, veteran, parent or someone who needs a way to overcome past traumas to live your best life, I can help.

I’m a Multi-Award Winning Hypnotist and have facilitated over 15,000 individual coaching sessions and hundreds of group training experiences over the last 34 years. 

Since first discovering hypnosis and using it to cure my own trauma, I’ve become an award-winning Leadership Speaker and Consultant and helped top business leaders, franchisees, and associations earn millions in annual revenue and develop unbeatable cultures using my methods. 

I’ve been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, and the TEDx stage. I’m also the host of the popular How To Be Mesmerizing podcast and bestselling author of six books including The Power Of Optimism, Get Out Of Your Way, and One Belief Away. 

My signature method, Awakening 2.0, works because I believe in the power of transforming past pain into the tools of your perfect future without spending years on expensive talk therapy. 

You already have everything you need to create the life, love and success you deserve locked within your mind and my role is only to show you how to set yourself free. Your job is to take those opportunities and turn them into action.

Even If you've Been Working On Yourself For Years, This Program Will Take You Deeper and Produce Miraculous Results!

Slam the Door on Destructive Circles Ruining Your Life & Step Into Your Circle of Power with Confidence

Now is the time to be bold. 

When I look back, I can trace the success, happiness and calm I’ve found to a strong inner reserve that carried me swiftly through life’s obstacles. 

This formula enabled me and my over 5,000+ clients to release the hidden destructive patterns that were keeping us from achieving our most important goals and find ease and grace with the way forward. You can find this same system in my on demand hypnotherapy course that can help you make the shadows of the past melt into the brightness of your future.

And you can get it now in the Awakening 2.0. 

Legends Endorse Awakening 2.0 

Dr. Denis Waitley

"Tim guides us step-by-step to a heightened awareness and offers specific actions we must take to overcome all the odds, invisible and real, to achieve authentic, lasting success. Tim Shurr is a change agent you can trust!” 

Les Brown

Tim's reputation speaks for itself. He has helped to change thousands of people’s lives around the world. Tim has been at rock bottom and climbed his way out. He definitely knows the formula for success. 

That's why I not only view him as a friend and colleague, but also as a mentor in helping me to impact even more lives on this planet. You have greatness within you! If you are looking to tap into and release your potential, I highly recommend Tim Shurr!”

Bob Proctor

"After over half a century of working in the field of personal growth, I’m totally convinced BELIEF is the stumbling block for the masses. 

This program will open a whole New World for you. This program can change your life forever. Tim Shurr is a friend of mine. He's about to be your best friend!”


Anxiety Gone / Self-Love / 

Lost 144 LBS

"I've always struggled with my weight and realized that until I started loving and valuing myself as a person, nothing would ever change. I went through the "experiences" in this program and discovered how to feel valued and worthy. Since then, the constant anxiety disappeared and I look and feel like a new person. This program will change our life. It changed mine." 


Chronic Fear / Picky Eating / Significant Weight Loss

"I had a difficult time swallowing pills and eating a wide variety of food because of the texture and taste. It had been this way my whole life and I was scared of not being able to take medicine if I needed it. After going through Tim's program, the fears disappeared! I was able to eat healthier foods for the first time and even achieved my weight loss goal. I'm still in shock at how well this worked for me."


"It lifted my depression."

"I've battled with anxiety and depression for most of my life. I've tried counseling and a variety of medications, but nothing seemed to help that much. So I decided to give this program a try and it really made a huge difference for me. I was able to eliminate my anti-depression medication and significantly cut down on my other one. This really changes what you believe about yourself. Anyone who struggles like I did should give it a try."


No More Anxiety /

Chronic Cough Disappears!

"I had developed a chronic cough that sometimes lasted continuously for weeks. Stimulants in the environment would trigger the attacks and it severely limited my life. After going through this program, the cough completely vanished and I've been able to go on vacation and attend family holiday parties for the first time in years. Thank you Tim!" 


Total Confidence / Income Skyrocketed / Sales Stardom!

"I went from struggling with my job to breaking every sales record in the company for three years in a row! It all has to do with your mindset and self belief. Tim helped me feel strong and confident, which has had an amazing impact on my life in every area. His programs will change your life."


"I'm finally in control of my life again!"

"So much of my life felt out of control, especially when it came to my health. I would promise myself today would be better, but then I'd get upset and find myself eating all the wrong stuff. I heard about Tim Shurr from a friend and tried his program. It completely changed my life. I'm now in charge of my thoughts and behaviors, I'm back down to a healthy weight, and I feel great!!"


"This saved my life..."

"Honestly, this program saved my life. I'm so much happier and more confident now, and I'm feeling in control of my life. I had such a difficult time getting out of my head and out of my own way. But after going through this program, I'm finally clear on what was holding me back and I'll never let that old stuff get in my way again. I've told all my friends about this program. It can help anyone take charge of their thoughts so they can live a more authentic life!"


"Tim will make you believe in yourself!"

"After surviving breast cancer and struggling with anxiety and stress, I reached out to Tim for help. His programs and approach is so inspiring and effective that I was able to lose over 50 LBS and start entering natural bodybuilding competitions. Over the last four years, I've received three 1st place medals and I'm feeling happier and more confident than ever before!" 


"My cortisol levels dropped significantly!"

"My cortisol levels were dangerously high and even with medication, they weren't dropping. I used Tim's program and after the first session, I went to the doctor's office and my cortisol level was almost lower than it should be. The doctor was shocked and I was elated! This program has had a major impact on my life. I'm so much healthier and happier now that I've gone through this. If this can work for me, it can work for anyone who desperately needs relief from stress."


"Simply Euphoric"

"I'm a nurse supervisor in a Chicago healthcare system and needless to say, it's been stressful. It felt like I never had time to care for myself. But Tim's program changes your mindset in a powerful way and it has led to dramatic changes in my health and happiness."


"I'm no longer stuck."

"I was at a place in my life where I desperately needed a change, yet felt stuck. Tim's coaching helped me break free from old beliefs, which gave me the strength to change jobs and regain a sense of joy for life once more!""


"Boosted My Confidence!"

"Tim's training upgrades the beliefs you have about yourself and what you are capable of. He helped me transition out of the medical profession and open my own successful coaching practice. It's been a dream come true!"


"This program works like magic!"

"Tim's coaching will guide you down the proper path to achieve results in record time. It works like magic. This is the breakthrough. It's a new mindset!"


"This transformed my life."

"If you ever get the chance to take one of Tim Shurr's coaching programs, DO IT! They have transformed my life and it will do the same for you.""


"Tim will increase your courage."

"Tim's programs gave me the courage to write and publish my first book! I can't recommend his training enough..."

"In The VERY FIRST 30-Minutes, You Will 

SIGNIFICANTLY Reduce & Eliminate YOUR:

"In the VERY FIRST 30-minutes, You Will 

SIGNIFICANTLY reduce or eliminate YOUR:

  • Anxiety
  • Procrastination
  • ​Fear
  • ​Unhealthy Habits
  • ​Negative symptoms produced from past trauma...
If you've been struggling with anxiety, procrastination, insecurity, anger, depression, PTSD, or letting go of past trauma, this program is the solution that will set you free and give you control over your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and destiny!

Tim Shurr, MA, personally leads you through transformational, life-enhancing "Mindset-Upgrading" experiences found in his bestselling book, One Belief Away! - How To Upgrade Your Unconscious Mind For Prosperity & Inner Peace.

This program includes an empowering education on how your mind works, why self-limiting unconscious beliefs may be holding you back, and how to re-program your mind so you can live your BEST life now!

In addition, you'll also be guided through three of Tim's most impactful "Mindset-Reset" Experiences that help people triumph over anxiety, PTSD, and emotional wounds from the past, so you can immediately start feeling more confident, secure, and inspired! 

Thousands of people who felt stuck (for whatever reason) have taken this life-changing journey and traded in their pain for passion and purpose. If you're ready, YOU CAN TOO...GUARANTEED!

 The "Mindset-Reset" Experiences Include:

  • The Awakening - Eliminate your deepest fears and upgrade your mind with love, security, confidence, prosperity, and inner peace.
  • ​The Releasing - Free yourself from anger, resentment, guilt, shame, and other toxic emotions that hold you back from living a happier life on your terms.
  • ​The Clearing - Become the person you were born to be and discover how to triumph over any past, present, or future obstacles with ease and certainty!

In addition, you'll receive two Bonus trainings to reinforce your upcoming breakthroughs, ensuring that you feel equipped and empowered to handle whatever life throws at you. Remember, it's not what shows up, but how YOU show up that matters most!

+ Bonus #1 is a special workshop co-hosted by Tim Shurr and Dr. Joe Vitale titled, One Belief Away! During this 1 hour pre-recorded training, Tim and Dr. Joe share in-depth insights and strategies for shifting from scarcity to a Prosperity mindset. They each provide a proven formula for manifesting goals and using the power of your mind to make each day more enjoyable and rewarding.

+ Bonus #2 is a pre-recorded 1-hour workshop hosted by Tim Shurr titled, 3 Ways To Lower Anxiety & Boost Productivity! During this training, you'll gain even more mental tools for quickly lowering stress, feeling more calm and resourceful under pressure, and tips for supercharging your focus, motivation, and confidence.

+ Bonus #3 is Recharging -5 'Quick' Stress Busters For Busy People! These fun psychological tools will immediately lower stress while helping you feel more calm, confident, and resourceful...regardless of the situation or circumstances!

These 3 Bonus training programs will enhance your resiliency and personal power once you've built a solid, prosperous foundation from going through the Awakening, Releasing, and Clearing Experiences.  

Release Yourself From Crippling Doubt, Procrastination & Self-Sabotage...

Release Yourself From Crippling Doubt, Procrastination & Self-Sabotage...

Awakening 2.0 is an online video & audio hypnosis training program. It’s designed for action: this isn’t a university course that takes 12+ weeks to complete. With about an hour a day for 7 days, you’ll have unlocked your traumas of the past, released any attached anger, resentment or fear and cleared the way for focus, joy and triumph to fill your heart and your life.

Lesson 1: Your Happier Life Begins Now! 

✔️Introduction: Your answers begin Here!✔️Free yourself from self-doubt, anxiety: bad habits, procrastination, low self-esteem, traumatic experiences from the past, trouble achieving goals, and more! [00:27]

Lesson 2: How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Create Your Life By Design!

✔️How to unlock your full potential. [15:00]✔️How to recognize and eliminate your self-sabotaging beliefs/behaviors so you can be, have, and do what makes you most happy! [23:00]✔️How to use your brain as a "magic wand" and grant wishes for confidence, health, prosperity, and peace of mind. [30:00]

Lesson 3: Completely Free Yourself From Anxiety, Trauma, and Effects from PTSD

✔️Why your brain uses anxiety as a form of self-protection and how to develop a better strategy. [01:11]✔️False opinions that create pain and despair are formed and what you can do right now to eliminate them from your life. [06:15]​✔️When you upgrade your beliefs (opinions about yourself), it instantly improves your happiness and quality of life. [09:20]

Lesson 4: Using The Awakening To Instantly Upgrade Your Life!

✔️Use this simple technique to activate your "Relaxation Response." [02:40]✔️How to take your pain and channel it into passion and purpose. [03:43]✔️Become YOU 2.0 and show up in the world in a whole new way. [04:47]

Lesson 5: Mind-Training Experience #1 - The Awakening (YOU 2.0)

✔️Why you'll now be able to fully trust in yourself and your intuition, which will improve your decision-making processes and help you get what you want faster! [02:13]✔️How to create new experiences in your imagination that reinforce positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are sustainable, which protects you from reverting back to old habits. [04:53]✔️What you can do to rescue yourself rather than waiting for others to do the right thing. [07:48]

Lesson 6: Living Life To The Fullest

✔️Awaken to the power and control you already possess to change the trauma of the past for good. [00:47]✔️Why using the power of your Subconscious Mind will move you from scarcity to prosperity mindset. [01:36]

Lesson 7: How The Releasing Experience Will Free You From The Past!

✔️This experience removes emotional blocks so you can live, love, and more fully experience a richer, more fulfilling quality of life!✔️How to mentally shift from playing not to lose in life, so you can play to win! [02:45]

Lesson 8: Mind-Training Experience #2 - The Releasing (Your Path To Emotional Freedom and Inner Peace!)

✔️How to release toxic emotions from the injustices, resentments, and grudges that may be poisoning your mind, and life. [01:39]✔️Why the power of forgiveness is so misunderstood, and how it will create joy and peace in your life. [03:15]

Lesson 9: The Releasing Debrief - How To Benefit From Higher Self-Awareness

​✔️How to continue using your mind power to improve your health, wealth, relationships, and peace of mind. [00:58]​✔️How to significantly shorten the amount of time it takes for you to get what you want in life. [02:45]​✔️How you can help others end needless emotional suffering and improve the world you inhabit. [03:05]

Lesson 10: How To Develop Bulletproof Confidence!

✔️Discover how to take obstacles and use them to empower your life! [01:18]✔️Learn how to activate more confidence, motivation, and security at any moment. [01:30]✔️How to spiritually "clean house." [02:30 ]

Lesson 11: Mind-Training Experience #3 - The Clearing (Boosting Resiliency & Total Self Confidence!)

✔️​This experience gives you a "Confidence Button" that you can activate at any time to feel more calm, resourceful, and in charge of any situation!​✔️Fate whispers to the warrior, "you cannot withstand the storm" and the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm!" [01:50]​✔️How to continue re-directing your thoughts towards desirable outcomes because what you think about, comes about! [02:47]

Lesson 12: Creating Your Dream Lifestyle...

✔️​With your newly installed freedom & confidence, begin to welcome any new challenges or problems as the opportunities for ultimate success they are! [00:25]✔️​Finally claim your Circle of Power and the life you want for good! [00:59]

Use These Included BONUS Training Programs To Accelerate Your RESULTS!

Use These Included BONUS Training Programs To Accelerate Your RESULTS!

Lesson 1: Your Happier Life Begins Now: 

  • Introduction: Your answer begins HERE
  • Free yourself from self-doubt, anxiety: bad habits, procrastination, low self-esteem, traumatic experiences from the past, trouble achieving goals, and more! [Video 1, 27 Second]

Lesson 2: How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Create Your Life By Design!

  • How to unlock your full potential. [Video 2, Minute 15]
  • How to recognize and eliminate your self-sabotaging beliefs/behaviors so you can be, have, and do what makes you most happy! [Video 2, Minute 23]
  • How to use your brain as a "magic wand" and grant wishes for confidence, health, prosperity, and peace of mind. [Video 2, Minute 30]

Lesson 3: How To Completely Free Yourself From Anxiety, Trauma, and PTSD

  • Why your brain uses anxiety as a form of self-protection and how to develop a better strategy. [Video 3, Minute 1:11]
  • False opinions that create pain and despair are formed and what you can do right now to eliminate them from your life. [Video 3, Minute 6:15]
  • When you upgrade your beliefs (opinions about yourself), it instantly improves your happiness and quality of life. [Video 3, Minute 9:20]
  • Use this simple technique to activate your "Relaxation Response." [Video 4, Minute 2:40]  
  • How to take your pain and channel it into passion and purpose. [Video 4, Minute 3:43]
  • Become YOU 2.0 and show up in the world in a whole new way. [Video 4, Minute 4:47]
  • This experience will free you from the past and empower you to start living your BEST life now!
BONUS #1 - 'One Belief Away' Workshop with Tim Shurr & Dr. Joe Vitale

✔️​ How to strengthen the voice in your head that lifts you up, and quiet the voice of fear that attempts to hold you back. [12:26]​✔️ The mindset shift that gives you the "Midas Touch" so you can turn lead into gold. [20:03]​✔️ The single most powerful tool you can use to move into a state of abundance is this... [31:45]

BONUS #2 - 3 Ways To Lower Anxiety & Boost Productivity Workshop

✔️​ ​How to remain resourceful and resilient in uncertain times and lower anxiety fast. [08:12]​✔️ How to avoid the 4 most common dysfunctional communication strategies and become a more powerful communicator. [22:13]✔️ 3 steps for setting your mind free from worry & turn any goal into a reality. [49:35]

BONUS #3 - 5 'Quick' Stress Busters For Busy People!

✔️ ​Use these proven stress-reducing tools to remain mentally refreshed and laser-focused.✔️ Attain your goals easier while also experiencing great life balance.✔️ Feel refreshed, recharged, and rejuvenated in 60-seconds using these clever brain hacks!


Get an extra boost with these

Get Awakening 2.0 in the first 48 hours (by Sunday November 14, 2021 at midnight) and you’ll also get:

My brand new Powerful Focus & Motivation Program!

Unlike any other program out there, I specifically designed this one to help you:
Instantly level up the quality of your life specifically by making ONE easy change

Find out how to diagnose the purpose of every thought that enters your mind - and EXACTLY how to modify or discard the ones that slow you down

Discover the simple framework for becoming more joyful and excited about life 

Immediately begin to improve your relationships at work and at home 

PLUS, the Emotional Mastery Audiobook

When you need an extra dose of energy during a challenging week, this listen-on-the-go audiobook helps you immediately shift into your power state and access the reserves you need to win the day. 


The Shifting Experience - the 4th OBA Hypnosis Experience in the Awakening Journey. 

Designed to keep on the path of your new future:
Keep your MOMENTUM going even as everyone around you continues in their own circles.

Prevent yourself from slipping back into old patterns

Create an almost infinite well of excitement around progress in your life

It's the exact methodology I used to keep myself on track as I transformed MY life. 

What's Different with the All New 2.0 Edition?

While the original Awakening program was absolutely cutting edge when it was released, it has now been streamlined and updated to address our current times.


We have also added an all new section available to anyone who purchases by November 19, 2021 that makes this the most advanced personal healing product on the market. 


It's the meatiest program I’ve ever offered including both Awakening 2.0, multiple bonus workshops and the Fast Action Bonus: The Powerful Focus & Motivation Hypnosis Program. 


It was specifically designed to address the exact challenges of processing hidden painful events during our current times as well as retraining your brain to focus on productivity and success for the future.

Awakening 2.0


  • Online Learning
  • ​12 Lessons
  • 3 4 Hypnosis Experiences
  • BONUS: One Belief Away Workshop
  • BONUS: Lower Anxiety & Boost Productivity Workshop
  • BONUS: 5 Quick Stress Busters for Busy People
  • Watch on the Go via Kajabi App
  • ​One Year of Access
  • ​30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Total Value: $3,497

Now Only $497

(or 5 payments of $99)

My Confidence Is Soaring!

"For years, I've been studying and working with coaches to develop my leadership skills. There was something holding me back from showing up the way I wanted to and it would ZAP my energy. I could never pinpoint what it was. Then I discovered the Awakening 2.0 program, and it gave me the tools to discover the limiting beliefs that had been running me for years. I love how easy the program is to follow. Once I discovered and replaced those beliefs, using the Awakening 2.0 program, my energy is soaring! I am showing up in ways that I've never been able to before and I’m amazed at how easy it is! Now I have the confidence that my goals are in reach!" Ruth Lewis-Tretch

Every Lesson Was Quality!

"A lot of thought went into this Awakening course, but it's still straightforward. Lots of actionable items. I love some of the exercises where you sing or laugh. I guess we are always looking for complex solutions to problems when maybe a simpler approach is best. Every lesson was quality. I really need to go through it several more times(and I will), but already it has improved my mood and attitude. I'm even thinking of doing some private consulting sessions with Tim. That's about all I can say now, but it is an inspirational course, and I can't wait to go through it several more times." Jon Trost

"Tim is the top coach for coaches who want to get to the next level!"

"I was in a low place and this program changed my life!"

Our #1 priority is your happiness.

That’s why you’ll be backed by a 30-day “try it, test it, apply it” money back guarantee. If you have a problem and let us know within the first 30 days after purchase, we will solve it, refund it, or provide you with additional resources, whatever you prefer. We’re here for you.


If you’re on the fence… Or if other trainings have left you skeptical… Then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put the Awakening 2.0 into action and experience how easy and exciting it can be to release the traumas of the past and get your life back.The only thing you have to do is suspend your disbelief and give it a chance. You have nothing to lose and an entire bright, shiny future to gain.

How Do You Want to Spend the Next Year?

In 12 months, you’re going to start to reflect on the previous year, thinking about the wins, struggles, and whether or not you are where you want to be. 

Hopefully you won’t be going around in the same circles you have this year (and probably many years past) but whatever happens, the choice of whether you’re finally ready to let go and level up, is up to you. 

Of course you can continue in that same tired circle like that train under the Christmas tree. 

Or you can begin your Awakening and set in motion a year that could be the turning point for when you finally healed the wounds of the past and achieved your dreams. 

Invest in you, and join Awakening 2.0 today.


  • Will I receive anything in the mail?
No. The entire Awakening 2.0 program is 100% digital. You will get INSTANT ACCESS and you can begin your journey within minutes of making the decision to buy.
  • What happens after I purchase the Awakening 2.0 program?
After you submit your order, you’ll receive enrollment emails from Tim Shurr, telling you how to log in to the program. Use those emails to create a username & password and access the program in your internet browser. This is where you’ll find all of the video hypnosis sessions AND the BONUS content. You will also receive an email confirmation of your purchase.
  • How is the Awakening 2.0 program different from the original Awakening program?
While the original Awakening program was absolutely cutting edge when it was released, it has now been streamlined and updated. We have also added an all new section available to anyone who purchases by November 19, 2021 that makes this the most advanced personal healing product on the market. It is also the meatiest program I’ve ever offered including both Awakening 2.0, multiple bonus workshops and the Fast Action Bonus The Powerful Focus & Motivation Hypnosis Program. It was specifically designed to address the exact challenges of hidden painful events during these exact times as well as retraining your brain to focus on productivity and success for the future.
  • Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes. Our #1 priority is your happiness. Which means we stand by our program 100%, no questions asked.
  • Are my credit/debit card details secure?
Yes. All payments are processed through our payment processor and are 100% secure.
  • Do I get access to the entire program all at once or in pieces?
You get access to the entire program as soon as you sign up.
  • When will I receive my Fast Action Bonuses?
Immediately upon enrollment, so act now!
  • How long will I have access to this program?
You will have instant access to this program through the course platform for one year from the date of purchase. However, you will be able to download all the materials locally to your computer for lifetime access.
  • What if I have a question or need support?
We’re here to help. Simply contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Begin Your Awakening Now

Invest in the proven formula that’s helped over 10,000+ people transform their lives. 

Copyright 2024, Shurr Success, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

None of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can this program be a substitute for mental health counseling if needed.

All testimonials have been given freely without compensation. Individual results will vary from person to person. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any mental or physical diseases or disorders.
The awakening program is for educational purposes only.

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"Exactly HOW Will This Program 

Improve My Business AND Personal Life?"

Lesson 1: Your Happier Life Begins Now: 

  • Introduction: Your answer begins HERE
  • Free yourself from self-doubt, anxiety: bad habits, procrastination, low self-esteem, traumatic experiences from the past, trouble achieving goals, and more! [Video 1, 27 Second]

Lesson 2: How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Create Your Life By Design!

  • How to unlock your full potential. [Video 2, Minute 15]
  • How to recognize and eliminate your self-sabotaging beliefs/behaviors so you can be, have, and do what makes you most happy! [Video 2, Minute 23]
  • How to use your brain as a "magic wand" and grant wishes for confidence, health, prosperity, and peace of mind. [Video 2, Minute 30]

Lesson 3: How To Completely Free Yourself From Anxiety, Trauma, and PTSD

  • Why your brain uses anxiety as a form of self-protection and how to develop a better strategy. [Video 3, Minute 1:11]
  • False opinions that create pain and despair are formed and what you can do right now to eliminate them from your life. [Video 3, Minute 6:15]
  • When you upgrade your beliefs (opinions about yourself), it instantly improves your happiness and quality of life. [Video 3, Minute 9:20]

Lesson 4: Using The Awakening To Instantly Upgrade Your Life!

  • Use this simple technique to activate your "Relaxation Response." [Video 4, Minute 2:40]  
  • How to take your pain and channel it into passion and purpose. [Video 4, Minute 3:43]
  • Become YOU 2.0 and show up in the world in a whole new way. [Video 4, Minute 4:47]

Lesson 5: Mind-Training Experience #1 - The Awakening (YOU 2.0)

  • This experience will free you from the past and empower you to start living your BEST life now!

Lesson 6: The Awakening Brief - Enjoying Your Emotional Freedom!

  • Why you'll now be able to fully trust in yourself and your intuition, which will improve your decision-making processes and help you get what you want faster! [Video 6, Minute 2:13]
  • How to create new experiences in your imagination that reinforce positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are sustainable, which protects you from reverting back to old habits. [Video 6, Minute 4:53]
  • What you can do to rescue yourself rather than waiting for others to do the right thing. [Video 6, Minute 7:48]

Lesson 7: How "The Releasing Experience" Will Free You From The Past!

  • How to release toxic emotions from the injustices, resentments, and grudges that may be poisoning your mind, and life. [Minute 1:39]
  • How to mentally shift from playing not to lose in life, so you can play to win! [Minute 2:45] 
  • Why the power of forgiveness is so misunderstood, and how it will create joy and peace in your life. [Minute 3:15] 

Lesson 8: "Mind-Training" Experience #2 - The Releasing (Your Path To Emotional Freedom!)

  • This experience removes emotional blocks so you can live, love, and more fully experience a richer, more fulfilling quality of life!

Lesson 9: The Releasing Debrief - How To Continue Benefiting From Higher Self-Awareness

  • Why using the power of your Subconscious Mind will move you from scarcity to prosperity mindset. [Minute 1:36]
  • How to spiritually "clean house." [Minute 2:30 ]

Lesson 10: How To Develop Bulletproof Your Own Confidence!

  • Discover how to take obstacles and use them to empower your life! [Minute 1:18]
  • Learn how to activate more confidence, motivation, and security at any moment. [Minute 1:30]

Lesson 11: "Mind-Training" Experience #3 - The Clearing (Resiliency & Total Self Confidence!)

  • This experience gives you a "Confidence Button" that you can activate at any time to feel more calm, resourceful, and in charge of any situation!

Lesson 12: The Clearing Debrief - Living Life To The Fullest

  • Challenges and problems are opportunities for growth and breakthroughs. [25 Seconds]
  • ​Fate whispers to the warrior, "you cannot withstand the storm." and the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm!" [Minute 1:50]
  • How to continue re-directing your thoughts towards desirable outcomes because what you think about, comes about! [Minute 2:47]

Lesson 13: Creating Your Dream Lifestyle...

  • How to continue using your mind power to improve your health, wealth, relationships, and peace of mind. [58 Seconds]
  • ​How to significantly shorten the amount of time it takes for you to get what you want in life. [Minute 2:45]
  • How you can help others end needless emotional suffering and improve the world you inhabit. [Minute 3:05]

BONUS #1 - 'One Belief Away' Workshop with Tim Shurr, MA & Dr. Joe Vitale

  • How to strengthen the voice in your head that lifts you up, and quiet the voice of fear that attempts to hold you back. [Minute 12:26]
  • ​The mindset shift that gives you the "Midas Touch" so you can turn lead into gold. [Minute 20:03]
  • The single most powerful tool you can use to move into a state of abundance is this... [Minute 31:45]

BONUS #2 - 3 Ways To Lower Anxiety & Boost Productivity Workshop with Tim Shurr

  • How to avoid freaking out in uncertain times and consistently lower anxiety. [Minute 8:12]
  • ​How to avoid the 4 most common dysfunctional communication strategies and become a more powerful communicator. [22:13]
  • 3 steps to set yourself free and turn any goal into a reality. [Minute 49:35]

Bonus #3 - 5 'Weird' Stress Busters Busy Professionals Can Use RIGHT NOW!

  • Use these proven stress reducing tools to remain mentally refreshed and laser-focused, so you can attain your goals, while also experiencing great life balance.



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"I have a new sense of value, worth, and confidence."


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